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Belinda Bradley, Freelance Writer and Reminiscence Facilitator

Belinda Bradley has been facilitating activity sessions at the Age UK Bakewell day centre for over six years, sessions such as poetry writing, reminiscence and TimeSlips. TimeSlips is a form of storytelling that allows a person to be creative without the pressure of trying to remember and is great for people with dementia. Recently she

Students design for dementia, fall prevention and heart strain

This year’s Designing for the Future competition with the University of Brighton attracted a diverse range of entries. Runner up Nicole Andrews designed The Forget-Me-NOT!  which is aimed at, but not limited to, individuals with early stage dementia to help with memory issues. Nicole describes The Forget-Me-NOT! as follows : “Many people as they grow

Designing for the Future tackles dementia and smart technology

This year’s Designing for the Future Competition invited students from the University of Brighton’s College of Arts & Humanities to develop innovative new products and design concepts to benefit people affected by dementia. A parallel project with students studying product design investigated smart technology. In each case, students were encouraged to produce design outcomes

How the Music Memory Box can help people with dementia

We have been running the Designing for the Future student design competition with the University of Brighton for three years now and it is both hugely satisfying and exciting to see how the students go on to develop their design thinking. Chloe Meineck first became involved with the project in 2011 when she entered The Hub, a

To what extent do people with dementia have the right to have control over their own lives?

To what extent do people with dementia, even advanced dementia, have the right to have control and choice over their own lives?  This is the question raised by an experimental care facility in the Netherlands. In Hogeweg, everyone lives in the moment.  As The Times reported on Saturday, the streets and squares of this experimental Dutch

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