We always love hearing about what our talented Designing for the Future alumni are up to and sharing their latest news.

Last year’s winner Martyna Konopka (who designed the stroke rehabilitation jug) is currently undertaking her placement year as part of the Product Design Course at University of Brighton, Martyna has already completed a two month long internship at a Public Relations company in Warsaw working, amongst others, on graphic design, translation and project management. She is now interning at the Polish Cultural Institute in Paris, helping with cultural and artistic events organised to promote Poland in Paris and France. Starting in mid January, Martyna will begin a 6 month long Erasmus exchange program to study Industrial Design at Lund University in Sweden. She will then return to Brighton for her final year of Product Design.​​

To see more of what Martyna has been working on, please visit www.martynakonopka.portfoliobox.me

Wish List_rogers_the ladder that likes the wall_Petr Krejci (6) copyXenia Moseley won the competition back in 2012 with her Family Tree card game. Since graduating in 2013, Xenia reports : “I’ve been a fellow on a post-graduate Social Innovation programme called Year Here, been featured in CRAFTS magazine for my Journeywoman project, and taken part in the Wish List exhibition at the V&A for London Design Festival 2014. In September I was named one of the UK’s Freshest Design Talents by the Independent on Sunday. I’m now part of a design residency with the RSA and carrying out a project based around curiosity, having set up Curiosity Club which is currently running in a school in South London.”

So exciting to see how well everyone is doing!