Fantastic to hear that Julie Robinson, founder of Move It or Lose It! exercise DVDs has won a National Diversity Award. The Awards celebrate the achievements of grass-root communities tackling the issues in today’s society.  Julie picked up the Entrepreneurial Award for Excellence in the Age category.

Julie Robinson is a specialist teacher of exercise for older or less able people of any age and runs a network of classes in the Midlands area. The Move it or Lose it! DVD reaches those who cannot get to an exercise class or as an additional resource for those who can.

The idea for this DVD comes from my clients who are in their 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. From people in community centres to care homes, from Age Concern projects to hospice courses, so many people have said they want to follow the routines at home but can’t remember what to do. So the first Move it or Lose it! routine is aimed at those who need gentle but progressive exercise so they can improve their strength, mobility and confidence.

I am frequently contacted by the people who are concerned about their parents or grandparents as they are worried about their physical decline as they age. They know they need to exercise but don’t know what to do and cannot always get out to join a class. The Move it or Lose it! DVD brings the exercise class to their living room, encouraging them to keep on moving just like the people in the DVD”